Thursday, 1 December 2011

December Update

Well I've definitely let the blogging slide since setting this up - when I started I was really keen to share my training and racing efforts, and also use this as a bit of a motivational tool. If you're publicising your training, it's an added incentive to complete it as planned!
I've let this slide over the last few months because work has been busy - yep I know, I'm lucky and my job is usually 9-5.30, but I work in online marketing and spend all day sat in front a computer. By the time it gets to 5.30 I don't even want to look at a computer screen and my laptop stays switched off most evenings and weekends!

However I'm going to get this going again because I spend a fair amount of tram, train and bus journey reading other athletes and triathletes blogs and it really motivates me to get out and train! I also get some great ideas for sessions and training plans from blogs - hopefully if I can keep this regularly updated I might be able to share my enthusiasm for sport and maybe encourage a few others to get out and train!

My New Year's Resolution will be to keep this updated, so I'm getting a head start on 1st December!
I reckon posts on the move will be the way to go - apologies in advance for any typing errors. I've got a fair bit of catching up to do, so watch out for race reports and training updates covering the last few months!

All comments are welcomed and any feedback on my training/racing plans are appreciated - I'm mostly self-coached and occasionally get stuck in a routine, not realising other methods may be more effective!

Thanks & hope you enjoy reading!

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